PCM at Dutch Design Week 2018

Like last year, the Participatory Citymaking Lab is present at the Dutch Design Week during the DRIVE festival. On Thursday afternoon a selection of project leaders and researchers involved in the Research through Design (RtD) projects form a panel and will reflect on a theme regarding ‘research through design’. During an interactive discussion the audience can join in the discussion with their questions and remarks. Participatory Citymaking is one of the nine Research through Design projects, and Peter van Waart will represent us. Come join us at 3pm in the auditorium. The discussion will be accompanied by an exhibition with artifacts from the different RtD projects. Here, Berit Piepgras and Arn van der Pluijm will demonstrate the transparency tool. For more information, click here.

We are also present at the Mind the Step exhibition. Two student projects, part of our collaboration with the project-based design course ITD (TU Delft, MSc Design for Interaction), focused on Design for Debate. Interactive prototypes were built to support digital citizenship through creating democratic dialogues on ‘wicked’ problems of the (near) future.

ValoranimaBe aware of your values!
“How would it feel if important raw materials, but essential elements like air and water too, were only available if your social values were right? What if you only were allotted enough air or water if you had enough capacity to for example love, to share or to help others? This prototype deals with this. You learn about a future in which you can only breathe if you do what the norm requires of you.”

Smart migrants dispenser: A migrant for every family
Imagine: a future in which every Dutch family would be obliged to shelter a migrant in their home. Not voluntarily, just because they had to. What would the selection process look like? How would you find ‘your’ most suitable migrant, who would best fit into your family? What are the options? Incidentally, is there even a choice? Through this interactive prototype, that will eventually be found fully operational in every city hall, you can learn about the Smart Migrants Dispenser!

Project coaches: Roy Bendor, Martin Havranek, Aadjan van der Helm, Wouter van der Hoog, Thomas Jaskiewicz, Marise Schot

Students: Eveline Beukers, Pepijn van Houdt en Karin Tetteroo (Valoranima); Emil Flach, Sarah Kraanen, Maira Ribelles, Ziwei Li (Smart migrants dispenser)


