Tool Direction 5: The Possible Futures Effects Insighter
Jotte de Koning 2018-05-23T16:00:16+00:00Tool Direction 5
Tool Direction 5
Tool Direction 3
Tool Direction 1
These 9 tool directions were drawn up to inspire actual tool development. They give insights into possible opportunities for tools to improve participation between the local government and citizen's initiatives. Each direction is supported by quotes from stakeholders in the field coming from our research. Also, for each direction it is explained 'what a tool
Traditionally, there are different type of actors identified in city making. However, this makes the divide between citizens and government quite rigid. Therefore, we made another categorisation based on roles. These roles are much more about what people actually do in city making, regardless their formal function of civil servant, private entrepreneur, social initiative taker
Four levels or types of tools are identified in the context of Participatory City Making. These types or levels are loosely based on the levels of design that Buchanan (1992) identifies in his paper on 'Wicked problems in design thinking' where he identifies four areas for discovery in design: signs, things, (inter)actions and complex environments.
The City Makers’ Kit - the prototype as a scale model of a possible future Stadsmakerskist is a set of physical modular blocks to make things in the public space. Delivered to you by the municipality on request, sponsored by rest material of businesses. The prototype of the Stadsmakerskist (city makers’ kit) is comparable to
The webber - the prototype as a mental map and discussion aid The Webber displays a projects integrality and impact on different aspects on each beam. For the designers of the prototype “The Webber“, prototyping proved valuable for discussions on a strategic level. The complexity of the subject matter was being unraveled by making some